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How to share sustainability data in a transparent, meaningful way


One of the key stages of the carbon journey is communicating your progress towards emissions reductions.

CarbonEES Carbon Journey
Figure 1: The Carbon Journey.

Sharing your organisation's sustainability results in a transparent way builds trust with your stakeholders, employees and customers and shows the public that you are prioritising the changes we all need to make to move towards a net-zero world.

A great example of this is Unitec, which is part of Te Pūkenga, New Zealand’s national network of polytechnics. Unitec offer a wide range of work-oriented programmes and short courses that are employment-focused and taught at our two campuses in Mt. Albert and Waitākere.

Unitec have made their sustainability data publicly available via their website:

Figure 2: Carbon footprint interactive dashboard.
Figure 2: Carbon footprint interactive dashboard.

Visitors can view overall carbon footprint data or select individual carbon sources, including electricity, air travel, petrol and more. Sustainability data goes back 5 years and is automatically updated as new data becomes available.

This interactive display was built in collaboration with our development team here at CarbonEES. Unitec Data is stored and managed in e-Bench, our carbon management software tool.

Ready to show sustainability on your website? Get in touch with our team today to find out how.

Here at CarbonEES, we also help our clients with Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Audit Support, setting Emissions Reduction Targets, Decarbonisation Strategies and much more.


Technical notes

CarbonEES can provide, via our e-Bench software, dashboards which can be installed into the clients' own intranet or internet presence.  Dashboards can be provided at four levels:

  1. e-Bench API access. If the client has an existing dashboarding tool (eg PowerBI) and technical skill in the area, they can access the e-Bench API directly to extract data an insert it into their own existing dashboard solution. This requires a high skill level in the dashboarding tool as the client must manage logging in and navigating to the data they wish to use.

  2. Public data API. A much simpler, but still technical-skill-required data source. Still returns data for use in another dashboarding tool.

  3. Public data widgets. We can provided small code snippets that can be inserted into existing intranet/internet pages to allow the graphical display of e-Bench data that has been marked as public. The graphs are rudimentary but things like size, colours, type (line/bar) and which data is displayed can be controlled from within the client's pages' code.

  4. Custom/self-contained widgets. We can provide customised widgets that fit within the client's corporate colour schemes etc and show specific data. These can be inserted into intranet/internet pages with virtually no technical knowledge but cannot be customised in any way.


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