CarbonEES® recognises that for core business sectors of any organisation to be at their most efficient, it needs to be supported by a non-core or support service structure that provides this framework. These non-core or support structures are also commonly referred to as facilities management services and is an area where CarbonEES® has particular expertise. These are as follows:
Maintenance management consultancy services
Maintenance management and operations comprises planned preventative, operational or day to day and breakdown maintenance. It is by far the most complex service area of what are regarded by many as support services. It is often in many cases also the most misunderstood and under-funded service sector. Failure of assets vital to the well being of an organisation can however be catastrophic, and therefore the management of the maintenance and facilities services is one that must be carefully incorporated within a business plan.
Due diligence and pre-purchase inspection studies
Due diligence inspections are important to both building purchasers and tenants, they assist with the identification and management of risk. The team at CarbonEES® are specialists in building condition audits and due diligence studies. We have the required project management, financial, technical, inspection and reporting skills to provide accurate and timely reports of value to building managers, vendors and prospective purchasers.
Asset management and life cycle costing
Asset management is best summarised as maximising the performance of the asset throughout its entire life. Life cycle costing is an economic assessment of alternatives, considering all of the significant costs of ownership over the economic life of the facility.

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