CarbonEES® is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of electricity and gas procurement services. We have been responsible for securing national electricity supply contracts spanning the period from 1999 to 2022 for an annual total load of 750 GWh ($100 million+) or approximately 11% of the New Zealand commercial market (6,887 GWh).
CarbonEES® can provide electricity tendering and procurement services to individual organisations or to collectives, such as the tertiary education or healthcare sector.
Coverage has ranged from large Time of Use (TOU) sites through smaller Non-TOU or Non-Half Hourly (NHH) connections with simpler or just single tariffs. CarbonEES® have also experience of unmetered or “profiled” connections such as street lighting.
The types of electricity supply offers include:
Fixed Price Variable Volume (FPVV);
Fixed Price Fixed Volume (FPFV);
Spot Market offers – ranging from 15% to 100% exposure;
Contract For Difference (CFD).
CarbonEES® is also one of New Zealand’s leading providers of natural gas procurement services. We have been responsible for securing gas supply contracts for a variety of sectors and clients with annual site loads ranging from 1GJ to 1 PJ (1,000 GJ).
Our procurement processes guarantee best value for money is achieved for our clients.