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e-Calc™: Energy & Sustainability Software

Track and report on energy and environmental
initiatives with confidence

If you’re involved in making decisions about energy, water or waste efficiency in your organisation, e-Calc™ will let you know the payback you can expect and track the financial and environmental impact over time.


CarbonEES®’s new environmental management and sustainability reporting software allows you to oversee and compare the return on investment from different energy and environmental management projects and make consistent, confident decisions. It can be integrated with CarbonEES®’s market-leading e-Bench® or used stand-alone. 


Click play on the video below to see e-Calc™ in action.

Demonstrate the value sustainability delivers

e-Calc™ makes it easy to demonstrate the impact and ongoing savings from your current programmes and make compelling business cases for new initiatives.  It gives you a cost benefit analysis you can trust using a benefits protocol based on the world-leading International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) standards and verifiable logic.

The cloud-based e-Calc™ makes it easy to see the financial impact of changes in energy and environmental management. Savings or avoided costs can be reported in dollars, greenhouse gas emissions and kilowatt hours, meaning you can show others the value your energy or environmental projects deliver in their language.

e-Calc: Energy Efficiency Software | Sustainability Report
Accurately report and forecast

e-Calc™ helps facilities, energy, procurement and sustainability managers report on success with confidence and build compelling financials to influence budget decisions. It gives the knowledge to minimise costs and maximise the returns from environmental management programmes.


e-Calc™ provides a climate action framework that helps you make smart decisions and identify climate-related risks. This lets you demonstrate the value and need for a corporate social responsibility programme and provides the structure for sustainability reporting, providing greenhouse gas emission reporting in accordance with ISO 14064 and energy management reporting in accordance with ISO 50001.

To find out more about how e-Calc™ can help you know the payback of energy, water and waste initiatives, and manage your emissions' impact, contact the CarbonEES team today.

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