e-Bench® is an excellent tool for greenhouse gas (GHG) or carbon emission tracking and reporting. It tracks and reports on GHG emissions in accordance with ISO 14064, which is the international standard for emissions reporting.
Emission tracking can be used at a corporate or organisation level to monitor your scope one or two emissions. This covers the operations and energy usage for your organisation’s owned operations and can inform action to reduce them.
You can find out more about the specifics of emission factors here.
Proven Reductions
Tracking your scope one, two and three emissions will help you manage your carbon footprint and your environmental impact.
Rather than combing through every tiny aspect of your emissions profile, searching for any little potential reduction opportunity, understanding the data behind your emissions can help point out glaring inefficiencies.
You can then prioritise reductions in those areas efficiently, with the data to prove it.
Public Reporting
Once you’ve made these changes, it’s time for your organisation to reap the reputational benefits of being a climate leader.
Stakeholders are demanding greater transparency when it comes to their decision making, with sustainability playing a big factor in modern organisations’ long-term success.
Public integrated sustainability reporting is easy when you have all the data on hand, with emission reductions to be proud of.
Beyond having the data, being able to interpret that information and convey your organisation’s successes is key. With e-Bench®, you can be sure that your organisation is equipped with advanced carbon reporting capabilities and set to start publicly reporting.
Scope Three Emission Reporting
It might seem that if every organisation reduces their scope one and two emissions, supply chain emissions would naturally follow. However, as the urgency of the climate emergency looms, it’s apparent that it won’t be that easy.
Because of this, emission tracking is useful to begin reporting on your scope one, two, and scope three emissions. Scope three emissions derive from the supply chain, including any purchase of products and services that your organisation might use.
If your organisation has a good relationship with your supplier, or a certain amount of influence, you may be able to talk to them about their carbon footprint. From there, it can be easier for you and your suppliers to pinpoint areas to start reducing emissions.
Climate-Related Risks
Keeping tabs on your GHG emissions through an effective carbon management software tool like e-Bench® helps you stay on top of your climate related risks too.
Because, the climate is changing, and so too are the risks for your organisation.
You might have heard of the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, an organisation that has developed a set of climate-related financial risk disclosures that have been adopted all over the world, including by the New Zealand Government.
Having solid data presented in frequent, easily interpretable reports means that your organisation can manage climate related risks as they come up, as well as seizing the opportunities that come with the changing market.
Increasing Relevance
Emissions tracking and reporting is important, and it’s only becoming more relevant as we feel the impending urgency of the climate crisis.
The New Zealand Government has recently, following their declaration of a climate emergency, implemented climate legislation with the goal to reach their 2025 targets.
This includes, but is not limited to, the requirements for public sector organisation to report upon their carbon emissions, as well as an increase in pressure for public reporting for local governments and tertiary organisations.
Reduce Regulatory Risks
The governments 2025 targets aren’t the only regulations that your organisation has to worry about. As climate change starts to take priority for legislators, more climate legislation is likely to follow.
By staying ahead of the curve and tracking your emissions, you can reduce your risk exposure when it comes to new climate legislation.
To learn more about how e-Bench® can help you report upon your emissions, click here.